Chat & Chew Book Club: A Good Measure by Nan Rossiter

This date is rescheduled from June 9th. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Read A Good Measure by Nan Rossiter and join us to discuss. Bring a dish/drink inspired by the book to share! This Book Club is open to new members.
The book available for purchase and local delivery from Book Club on the Go.

A Good Measure

It has been eight months since Libby Tennyson’s husband, Jack, passed away, and now every afternoon when the fiery sun sinks below the horizon, she finds herself wandering through the empty old farmhouse in which they raised their six sons. Melancholy hour, she calls it—the time of day that was once a flurry of dinner, homework, and chores, but with her sons grown and on their own, she grieves for all she has lost—and worries about what the future holds for her youngest son, twenty-eight-year-old Chase.

All the Tennyson boys are handsome—but there’s something about Chase that has always made women swoon. Growing up in the shadow of his older brothers, Chase was different—gentler, kinder, a boy with a big heart who looked after those most vulnerable. Though his family loves him deeply, Chase never felt he could truly be himself until he met Liam Evans, his partner in business and love. After six years, Chase and Liam are ready to make a lifetime commitment…yet both feel apprehensive including their very traditional families in their wedding planning.

But life is full of surprises, and after all, a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, is always poured back…because for all the measure you use, it will be measured to you!


Jun 20 2022


6:30 pm - 7:30 pm